LEADS represented at the FIA Dublin 2013

A double-sided single-page flyer introducing the project was distributed at the Future Internet Assembly in Dublin, 8-10 May 2013 in Dublin, in collaboration with the SUCRE project. Many participants came to the SUCRE booth interested on the displayed projects, including LEADS, collecting flyers as a representative reference on cloud projects.

FIA (Future Internet Assembly) is a research driven initiative supported by more than 150 research projects that have recognised the need to strengthen European activities on the Future Internet to maintain its competitiveness in the global marketplace. In particular, these projects have identified the urgent need to redesign significant part of the Internet, taking a broad multidisciplinary approach, to meet European societal, business and technology ambitions.

The SUCRE project aims the consolidation of the European Cloud Computing and Open Source communities by creating a critical mass of stakeholders who will work together on promoting the use of Open Source in Cloud Computing. As LEADS, the SUCRE project is funded through the European Commission FP7 framework.

Download the flyer here.